Saturday, May 4, 2013

Habit#4. Think Win-Win

The habit is mainly about how to treat yourself in different attitudes.

There are 4 types of attitudes you can use in order to succeed in something

Win- Lose

This type of people are competitive, and they try to get the pleasure of being above the rest.

Lose- Win

These people take blame on them, no matter what happens. They do everything for others to win and do not think about themselves.

Lose- Lose

This type is the worst one. This is when you say that you do not care what happens to you as long as your brother fails. So both sides fail


This is the type that the book i trying to advice. It is a belief that everyone can win, which means stand for what is right and at the same time respect others opinions and not hurt others.

When you start to use the tactic in your life two things appear- Competing and Comparing. Both of them have dark and sunny sides. The sunny side of Competing is when you compete against yourself, whereas the dark side is when you use competing in order to place yourself above others. The sunny side of Comparing is when you compare yourself to your own potential. This means that it is good when you compare who you were yesterday and who you are now. The dark side is when you compare yourself to others. You can become disappointed and frustrated or maybe pompous and selfish.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Habit#3. Put First Thing First

  1. changes in your life.
  2. makes you self- confident
  3. makes you time- managing. Use your time in right way
  4. Get done everything you planned

There are two types of things in your life- important and urgent. Important ones are the ones which are important to achieve your goal. Urgent are the ones that you HAVE to do, and the things which require more attention.

As the 3rd habit describes, there are 4 types of people- The Procrastinator, The Yes-Man, The Prioritizer, The Slacker. The Procrastinator is the one which puts every single thing to be done the next day. In other words this person puts everything off. The Yes- Man tries to please every other single person. The Slacker comes from a category of waste and excess. The Slacker likes too much TV, too much sleep. The Prioritizer has all the three types in it. He likes relaxation, making friends, exercising, planning ahead. 

The main question of this habit is What To Do?
1. Plan Weekly everything you have to get done and also everything you want to be done.
2. Give priority for your big dreams- This means that important goals put at first place
3. Schedule everything else

The second question of the habit 3 is "How to overcome peer pressure and fear".
1. Never let your fears decide your future
2. Winning means rising each time you fall
3. be strong at hard moments
4. Don't let peer pressure fear you

As all the people who tried the Seven Habits in their lives, most of them told that the 3rd Habit is the hardest one to achieve. So set a goal, plan it, fight for it, and eventually, achieve.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Habit 2. Begin with the end in mind.


Having end of mind
  1. makes you being at critical crossroads in life. 
  2. if you don't decide your future someone else would do it for you.

Habit 2 is basically imagination and brief picture of your future. It teaches to have end in mind when you start doing something. Mental picture helps to create the physical picture. Wake up every day with the end in mind, with the vision of your final destination.

1. Develop a picture of where you want to go with your life.
2. Set your goals
3. Go for them.

You have to develop a personal mission statement. In other words, it is your plan for success. This makes you the leader of your own life. You have your goal, and you go for it.

Habit 1. Be Proactive

There are two types of people- proactive and reactive. Proactive people are the ones who take responsibility for their lives and reactive ones always blame others. The Habit 1 teaches how to be Proactive, and think before acting.

Let's imagine a situation. You are driving down the road when suddenly somebody cuts in front of you, making you slam your brakes? What do you do? Do you fly off at the mouth? Let it ruin your day?
Or you just let it go,? Laugh about it? Move on?
Proactive one would not let this stupid situation ruin the rest of his day. Meanwhile reactive, would go into deep depression.  Instead of reacting to or worrying, proactive people will focus their time and energy on things they can control.

In other words reactive people would make choices based on impulse. This means that every little thing can make them crazy, can ruin their day. They hardly forgive anybody, and never forget the bad stuff. They always blame others when they fail.  Proactive people, on the other hand, make choices based on values. They take responsibility about their lives. They won't blame circumstances, weather, conditions, other people if they fail. Proactives would say "I can, I will", although Reactives would use "I can't, that's not my fault, if only".